Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 1 Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from week 1.

Holding the girls in NICU III.

Tiny Diapers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wires, tubes and more

All the tubes and lights look a bit confusing so here's what it all is:

Spotlight: Like a tanning bed for their jaundice - getting in their vitamin K!
Incubator: Until they can maintain their own body temp, they get little warm condos to live in
Nose: CPAP apparatus for forcing air (not oxygen) into the lungs, just to help them remember to breathe
Eyes: "sunglasses" for the bright lights
Mouth: Too young to drink so there's a feeding tube
Chest: monitor contacts for heart rate, breathing rate and temperature
Hand: getting IVs for extra nutrition, meds, etc.
Foot: pulse oxometer to measure oxygen levels

We're gonna shake each thing off one at a time!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to the world girls!

This is for those of you who do not have facebook! It will pretty much consist of pictures I found.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Please Welcome...

Olivia Anne and Sophia Marie Tsui. Arrived 7/22/11 at 10:31 AM.

Olivia means "peace - of the olive tree" and Sophia means "wisdom."