Saturday, March 17, 2012

Green and purple

The girls have started eating solids. Well, a month or so ago. I had come up with the idea that making my own would be a good idea. Organic, fresher, blah, blah, blah. Basically so I can cater to my need for control. Some people call me nuts, but it isn't any more work to make double the portions. So here I am, still going at it, although I haven't tried too many things. We have had sweet potatoes, bananas, green beans, and Asian pear.

Yesterday my mother-in-law and I decided to venture out with the girls (on a non-doctor excursion!) to Central Market to buy some groceries, especially fruits and veggies for the girls. We got stopped no less than 4 times by strangers, which I guess I'll get used to.

Today, I decided to make a lot of baby food while I could. Of the 5 good colors to eat (red, purple, red, yellow and green) we've got two of them! There are blueberries, zucchini, peas, and purple yams.

Yum, yum! Eat up, girls!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ethan's 1st Birthday

Last weekend we went up to Austin to celebrate Ethan's first birthday. This would be our first road trip with the girls. So on Friday I left work at 2:00pm and by the time we made it up to was 9:00pm! We had to pack for two girls, the dog, ourselves, mom, feed the girls and play tetris loading the SUV. By the time we were done, Cody only had about a square foot to sit. Perhaps its time to make the jump and invest in a swagger wagon ourselves...

Highlights of the weekend:

Sophie and Ethan hanging out

At the park

Ethan's dedication at Austin Stone Community Church

(Picture taken by Pete Tam)

We had a blast celebrating with the Laus and can't wait until Sophie and Olivia get old enough to actually play with Ethan. We loved celebrating Ethan's first birthday. We're also glad we were able to make it to Ethan's dedication and be there to support and pray for Judy and Lawrence as they commit to teach Ethan to chase after God's own heart. Traveling with the girls was an interesting experience to say the least and also served as a mock trip for what to expect as we'll be going to Sonoma for Patricia and Jeff's wedding, which in turn will be yet another mock trip to prepare for London for Sandra and Scott's wedding later this year.