Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy 1 month!

Today the girls are one month old! They are growing steadily and are getting bigger everyday. Looking a little less monkey-ish and more like tiny people. Although I see them 2x a day, it still shocks me to see how they've changed so much. And that they are mine and Denver's.

Big milestones this week:
Olivia finally ditched her incubator and into a big-girl crib, like Sophia got last week. Sophia got to try breastfeeding - another first!

We also moved Sophie to Olivia's bedside for some pics!

Don't cry, Sophie!

Sophie protesting at a bath

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two steps forward, one step back

Olivia didn't do so well without the CPAP machine so she's back on.

Sophia was fine without it so she's starting to look more like a normal baby.

In a month full of firsts, I held both girls together for the first time! I needed another arm or three. Life is going to be very interesting, I can already tell!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yum yum!

Sophia got to try drinking from a bottle today! She couldn't before because before the 34 week mark babies don't have the suck/swallow/breathe coordination down - kinda needed to get it down the hatch! Also, the CPAP doesn't quite allow for a full experience of drinking by mouth with all those tubes up the nose. =)

She drank almost half of her feed. Just the first step to becoming a foodie!

Monday, August 8, 2011

uh oh...

I just realized that the girls in my life, their initials spell S.O.S - Sandra, Olivia and Sophia ...HELP!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Weekly Pics by First Memories!

So as I was standing by the bedside when a woman wielding a DSLR (clearly not family) came by and starting taking pictures of our neighbor baby. I thought it was a little intrusive (HIPAA rights and all) but it turns out that she was part of a volunteer organization, First Memories, that helps families in the NICUs cope by taking pictures to remember these first few weeks of life. They can also make scrapbook-like cards with these pics so it's all done for you. What a great idea during a stressful time for parents! Here are a few that these grandmotherly ladies took:

We are having Mommy and Me "kangaroo" time to bond. Olivia fits in my shirt!



Update: They don't have their tanning beds anymore but are now a normal pinky color! Also, no more IVs and are having a trial run at no CPAP for breathing assistance. Progress!