Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy 1 month!

Today the girls are one month old! They are growing steadily and are getting bigger everyday. Looking a little less monkey-ish and more like tiny people. Although I see them 2x a day, it still shocks me to see how they've changed so much. And that they are mine and Denver's.

Big milestones this week:
Olivia finally ditched her incubator and into a big-girl crib, like Sophia got last week. Sophia got to try breastfeeding - another first!

We also moved Sophie to Olivia's bedside for some pics!

Don't cry, Sophie!

Sophie protesting at a bath


  1. They are so cute!! It won't seem completely real until we meet them in person. Hopefully Denver is enjoying the Diaper Dude bag. LOL. Will you guys be around during Christmas?

  2. I'm happy to see the kiddos doing great! Can't wait to meet them!
