Friday, January 11, 2013

Museum time

Yesterday we took the girls to the Houston children's museum because it was free family night. Two observations:

1. Every other person there understood Chinese.
2. Only my babies thought throwing balls out of the ball pit was fun.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First (real) haircuts

The girls' very first haircut happened outside of our control. Sandra and I came home from a date night only to find that the two grandmas that were babysitting had given them a quick trim because, they claimed, that their hair was in their eyes.

The next time they needed a haircut, we decided that we would have the honors of cutting our daughters' hair. See below for our first (and maybe last) try.

Olivia's turned out slightly better, mainly because Sophie was the guinea pig...

Yesterday we finally decided to take them to get a real haircut. Surprisingly they were both really well behaved. Not sure if it was the novelty of an unfamiliar place or if this is a foreshadowing of what's to come... It must have taken no more than 3 minutes to cut each of their hair, but each of them costed as much as my haircut! I think next time I'll have to give the bowl a try, at least while I can still get away with it!