Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daddy Goggles

So I'm going through some of the pictures that we've taken of the girls these past 9 months, and came to this realization: they're so much cuter now than they were back then! But yet, at the moment that the pictures were taken, I always thought that they were at the peak of their cuteness. 

When I do a side by side comparison with the old pictures, they looked kind of weird and not so cute. Yikes, so this is what other people see! I guess I was just looking through "daddy goggles".

I look at this picture now, and once again ask myself, how can they get any cuter than this. Perhaps this is the sweet spot, the small window of optimal cuteness. Better enjoy it while it lasts.

But then again, I've said that before.

1 comment:

  1. this has to be the cutest photo ever. please frame it and keep it for their wedding slideshows!
