Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Breakfast battle

There are many times of the day that I feel like I'm in a battle, but especially the morning. It's a battle against time to prep food for one baby and milk for another, This morning I was in a battle (more as a spectator) between babies. A swordfight—but with spoons! They crossed spoons and yelled a whole lot, all while sitting in high chairs.

There's no picture because who can take one when you are trying to play referee and avoid the flinging food?

I've never seen this before because they are usually too busy playing with the food I scoop out onto their trays, eating and moving it around. Some people don't quite see the point of letting them deliberately get messy because they already do that just by eating, but it's an exploration of food by not just taste, but smell, touch, and vision.

And how else will you see such fun at meal times? Well, except for me when I have to clean up. Oh yeah, I still ended up wearing the food when I entered into the crosshairs of the battle.

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