Friday, November 16, 2012

Mama, get up!

It's early morning and the kid is up, bright-eyed, but your eyelids are superglued shut. Have you ever just put them in bed next to you and let them play for a little while so you can get a few precious moments more of that elusive sleep? And then ignored all the pushing and hitting they inflict on you? Or put a pillow barrier between you and the kid?

Yes, yes and yes.

For 30ish minutes this morning. And only because she "found" me on the other side of the pillow and then proceeded to kiss me. And then protested that she wasn't going outside of the room to explore and start the day.

Oh, come on, you've done this before and don't lie.

I finally get up and start counting down before nap time. T minus 2 hrs. BTW, I love my kids.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I just read this and this is too real and too funny!
