Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 11: Camp Nom Nom

Day 11 of 30

Grandma is coming to visit camp today! Olivia loves Grandma, so this is exciting. She stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Dallas last night, which is just for families with kids in the hospital. I've seen those Ronald McDonald charity boxes in McDonalds all my life but paid little attention to it. After having kids in the hospital, I see just how many people have a heart to help us. Meals, snacks, baby food, toiletries, are just a few of the kinds of things donated. Grandma not only had a hotel-worthy room, but got three cooked-from-scratch meals. Dallas' House was particularly nice because it's brand new and modeled to look like a rustic ski lodge. It has playgrounds, meditation rooms, family kitchens, grills, huge yards, and laundry rooms. They try to think of every little comfort a family could have to ease the burden of being so far from home while a child is in the hospital. We're blessed that they had room for us, since they fill up all the time.

Great Room at RMH

Kitchen/eating area

We got another package today in the mail. This one is from Vicky, Ben and Fifi. It was a soft bunny for O and a manicure set for me! Could it be more perfect? Thank you guys for thinking of us and  knowing just what to get us!

Today was a strange eating day. She started out strong and then started decreasing in volume. By 2pm snack time, she was exhibiting some strange behaviors of refusing and acting out, especially with the Pediasure. She didn't want to sip it out of the cup for some reason. Then for dinner, she flat-out refused to drink Pediasure. Since the program is structured so that you don't move on to anything else until you take what's offered first, it became a testament of wills. In the 25 minute session, I think I started to get nervous around the 6 minute mark and it just got worse from there. When the meal was over, she was in a bad mood from not getting to watch any of her show. I was bewildered that she could eat so well in the morning to nothing at night. Our feeding tech says this was a "learning meal" when she learns that her holding out leads to no reaction on their part. Let's hope she's right.

Food log:
Session 1: 48g
Session 2: 32g
Session 3: 29g
Session 4: 0g

Liquids log:
Session 1: 48g
Session 2: 23g
Session 3: 27g
Session 4: 0g

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