Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 3: Camp Nom Nom

Day 3 of 30

Elasticity: n. - The condition or property of being flexible

Astonish: v. - to strike with sudden and usually great wonder or surprise 

"What's Olivia like?" is a question I get a lot. I usually describe her as smart and a thinker, but very particular. She likes things a certain way. One might call that characteristic trait as rigid or stubborn. I've heard other therapists say that kids with eating issues are stubborn fighters. Taking her to Dallas has certainly taught me a lot about my own child. Today she's shown that she has the capacity to learn and apply things. She's learned about adapting to her surroundings, responding to structure, coping without mom in the room. Kids really learn these things fast. It's adults who are rigid in their own mind and assign that limitation to their children. I know I'm certainly still not comfortable here, but Olivia, she's fine with it. She can find a door stopper as a toy and smile.

She had a much better night, only waking 1-2 times, and one of those involved spit up, but otherwise she slept so well, she had to be dragged from her warm nest for feeding, which she rolled with. During feeding, she took dry spoonfuls well, while watching videos and had a toy. She only had to have those motivators taken away before doing as directed, without extra fuss. She even took spoonfuls of yogurt. She spit out a few, but those were redirected in and swallowed. She played with food during speech and occupational therapy and was happy to do so. Each feeding session she took more and more food and water. Our therapists keep saying, "She did great! Really getting what we're doing and is cooperating a ton." After each session, she wanted to go back into the feeding room with the tech and kept saying "more" and making the sign for it. 

She's having a lot of fun here with all the other kids and everyone saying hello to her. There was even a pair of old guys with guitars who sang kid songs and invited everyone to join in. She was a bit unsure at first but then was dancing and throwing her egg shaker around, just like all the other kids. 

Food log:
Session 1: 0g
Session 2: 0g
Session 3: 0g
Session 4: 2g

Session 1: 4g
Session 2: 4g
Session 3: 7g
Session 4: 7g 


Session 1: 0g
Session 2: 0g
Session 3: 0g
Session 4: 2g

Session 1: 4g
Session 2: 2g
Session 3: 6g
Session 4: 12g

The data doesn't lie and I'm totally gobsmacked.

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