Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 13: Camp Nom Nom

Day 13 of 30

This was the third weekend in a row driving up to Dallas and we couldn't ask for better company! We had a car full of people to keep Sophie entertained - Patricia (Sandra's sister), Jeff (her husband) and Ori (Patricia's dental school friend). As usual, we made our weekly visit to Buc-ees per Sophie's request (2 hours in the car is about her limit). By the time we got to Dallas, we were all spent. She is one demanding girl.

Since Sandra and I don't get to see the other twin during the week, we usually do a "parent swap" for the weekends. Sophie stayed with Sandra at the Ronald McDonald House and I stayed at OCH.  I got there late, so Olivia went to sleep with mom there, but woke up to find dad. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in their little minds - if they're confused or know what's going on. But as soon as she woke up, she was in a cheerful mood and ready to start eating!

Today I got to see what Sandra had observed the day before, her standoff. We think it begun when she started taking pediasure (instead of water) by mouth, so we changed it up a bit and had the therapist feed the pediasure to her using a spoon. For the first session, it took her 15 minutes of the allotted 25 minutes and 3 different toys to get her to take her first bite. But once she got started she kept eating. The therapists assure us that there's nothing to worry about and that they see this all the time, but it was hard to ignore once the thought of her plateauing and regressing crept into our minds. That's always been the thing about Olivia, two steps forward and one step back. So we best thing we can do leave it up to God.

Sandra showed me this sheep that was in Olivia's bed. A chaplain at OCH had given it to her this past week and told her that many people had prayed over these stuffed animals for the children at the hospital. I nearly teared up when she told me. It made me think of all our friends and family that are also praying for Olivia. It makes us feel really blessed to know that we have all the support that we have. And to see that God is listening and answering them!

Thank you thank you thank you for everyone's prayers!!!

Food Log:
Session 1: 30g
Session 2: 39g
Session 3: 28g
Session 4: 21g

Liquids Log:
Session 1: 10g
Session 2: 12g
Session 3: 9g
Session 4: 6g

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