Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 17: Camp Nom Nom

Day 17 of 30

I'm a zombie today. Last night was awful. She coughed through the early part of the night, but by 2am, she threw up a few small puddles and one huge one. Olivia is so congested and she always refluxes milk at night. milk + congestion make a horrible combination in her system. The doctor on call was already in our wing, so he stopped by, per request of the nurse. Then the respiratory therapist came in. Then another nurse. We had a party on our hands. Each person wanted to listen to her chest, so I had her on my lap. Then they started arguing what they should do with her.

"She should have abuterol (breathing treatments)."
"No, it will make the coughing worse."
"She should have Tylenol to relax."
"Why? She doesn't have a fever."
"She should just be suctioned."

I was good and mad by this point and Olivia was starting to make confused noises. Make some good, professional decisions and let her sleep! In the end, we gave her some Tylenol after suctioning. She slept well after that, but I was still totally bushed in the morning. Our friend Sofia was also up and sick at that time, so I stuck my head in and told Mercy that she and I needed Starbucks the next day. It's so ridiculously expensive for coffee, but it's the only thing that keeps us properly motivated... and from crying.

I never did get my Starbucks, but at 2 am, you need that carrot. I slept whenever I got the chance, but it still wasn't enough. Today was my first full day feeding her. I was unsure whether she'd just think, "Huh, it's just mama. Maybe I'll try my tears." But nope, she hardly hesitated at all! She ate quite a bit in each session, but threw up in each, too. She's still congested and we figured out she needs to be cleared out before each session. But, no matter if she was throwing up, she still was willing to take a bite, sometimes while throwing up! I'm so surprised!

I'm my-kid-has-the-lead-in-the-Christmas-play proud of my Olivia! She's EATING, ya'll! She seems pretty satisfied with herself, too!

Food Log:
Session 1: 71g
Session 2: 55g
Session 3: 65g
Session 4: 61g

Liquids Log:
Session 1: 11g
Session 2: 12g
Session 3: 39g
Session 4: 29g

Calorie Count: 446!! That's more than half her daily needed calories. Granted, she threw up a bunch of those calories, but who cares!


  1. I will bring you that Starbucks, San! Hang in there!!!

  2. do your hospital take starbucks gift cards? i'm sooooooo proud of olivia!!!! i miss your family alot!!!!
