Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 23: Camp Nom Nom

Day 23 of 30

This is the absolute worst day that we've had at OCH, hands down. None of it was really our fault or even had to do with feeding directly, but it sure did make Olivia eat poorly. It all started overnight when the night nurse switched the rate and dose settings on her pump and she got virtually none of her feed. She woke up at 5:30 AM hungry and dehydrated. I felt terrible for the girl because she asked for water to drink but was so tired she wanted to drink lying down. It just resulted in her choking and kept her up until we had to go eat. By then, she wanted a nap, which of course she couldn't have, but she was starving so she ate a lot. She only got to take a one hour nap before she had to eat lunch. Both meals had a ton of meltdowns. She didn't nap before snack, so that went poorly, too. She finally got to sleep after snack.

She could have slept for 2 hours, but was rudely awakened by a janitor, who wanted to empty our trash and barged in. Olivia couldn't go back to sleep so we decided to take a bath. The communal bathroom is right next to our room, which is convenient for us. When we were done, I was holding her, wrapped in towels. I opened the door and stepped out, but not two steps later, I tripped over something and went flying! It was a cleaning cart that was parked right outside our door, blocking the bathroom. The janitor had left it there when she changed our trash. I couldn't see it because it was that close to the door and I had the kid in front of me. We both fell to the floor and I landed with her still in my arms, but felt her head knock the floor. I was so scared I'd caused permanent brain damage to my precious baby and could only sit there cradling her while she cried.

Nurses, techs came running and picked the two of us up. She was thoroughly checked out and there was no bumps, scratches or blood to be found on the kid. I was never so relieved in my life but was still shaking from what could have been. It was complete chaos as we calmed and dressed O, the janitor, who left the cart, returned to poke her nose in to see what happened and got kicked out. I finally registered that my foot was hurting from where I'd tripped. I was in no state to feed her so sent her off for our regular feeder to take care of her.

A ton of people stopped by to hear what happened and it was decided that the hospital was liable for the whole accident. After giving my statement several times and icing my foot, it finally calmed down. Thank goodness my cousin stopped by and we ordered sushi delivery, which is almost as good as wine.

After Olivia went to bed, I decided to go to the ER just to make sure I didn't break anything. 4 hours later, I could confirm that nothing was broken. It was a loooooong day, but I'm so glad that we aren't hurt, just a bit shaken up.

Food log:
Session 1: 81g
Session 2: 29g
Session 3: 30g
Session 4: 34g (threw it all up)

Drinks log:
Session 1: 30g
Session 2: 45g
Session 3: 33g
Session 4: 61g (threw it all up)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness San. So sorry to hear about your rough day. Stupid cart!
