Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 19: Camp Nom Nom

Day 19 of 30

Bingo! Childlife activity of the day was fun for parents and kids. Except mine. She wanted to cheat and mark all the squares so I wouldn't let her. Of course she threw a fit and then left to wander around and put bits of stuff from the floor in her mouth. Every kid won, so of course we had bingo. But the prizes! Oh, boy, were those fun. They had new costumes for each kid to take home. I found just one that fit her ok. All we need are some wings and a wand and she's ready to go trick-or-treating!

She's definitely on the mend and is eating pretty well. The one thing that her feeding team is concerned about is her drinking. Olivia's really tricking us to think she's taking a lot in, but in the end, it's really not much. We've moved her from taking 3 sips to 4 sips every time before her video is played. It's not working great and there isn't enough motivation to keep her going for 4 sips. At least she's still eating!

In OT, they are working on getting her to play with food and put it in her own mouth. She touches the food and makes a mess (which she already does at home), but getting her to taste it has been hard. Maybe it's too much playtime and she doesn't take it seriously. I'll have to start monitoring these a little closer.

Family is coming in today! Can't wait!

Food Log:
Session 1: 41g
Session 2: 45g
Session 3: 66g
Session 4: 63g

Liquids Log:
Session 1: 30g
Session 2: 24g
Session 3: 39g
Session 4: 15g

Calorie Count: 429

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