Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 14: Camp Nom Nom

Day 14 of 30

It's Sunday, but that doesn't mean that Olivia gets a break. Her weekends are nearly just as full as on the weekdays. On the plate for the day are four feeding sessions and a speech therapy session. Today even felt like a school day. She and I woke up at 7:15 on the dot, got ready together and off she went to the waiting area to be picked up by the therapist for breakfast.

"Waiting for the Bus"
She once again had a small standoff during this morning's feeding. It took her 10 minutes to take her first bite, but once she finally did, she was off rolling and ate every spoon! After breakfast I dropped her off with the speech therapist for some Vital Stim treatments, and got a small breather for myself. An hour of free time, woohoo!! But before I could even finish my cup of coffee, that hour was up and Olivia was finished. Where did the time go?!? I don't know how you mothers out there ever get anything done! You all really deserve a trophy. Like. Daily.

By lunchtime, I was already spent. After each weekend, it would take me close to two days to recover. Now if I extrapolate that further, I can (maybe) imagine how tough it is on Sandra. Doing this day in and day out, for everyday of the week, for one month, without leaving the hospital, without ever going home, and be physically separated from your husband, daughter, family and community of friends...  I can't say this enough, I'm so proud of Sandra for being here to tough it out and make the sacrifice for Olivia. She is such a strong mother and wife!

Sandra's update:
Before heading to the hospital, Patricia, Jeff and I took Sophie and Evey (the Chao dog/baby) to the Dallas farmers market to get barbecue and look around. Our family loves farmers markets for all the fresh fruits and good eats, but also just to see all the different vibrant colors. Even in early March we saw an explosion of color, from flowers to fruits. Jeff stood in line for barbecue before the stall opened (it was one of those popular, sell-out-before-lunch kind of stalls) and the gals wandered around. There were several hangars of stalls, selling mostly fruit. Each had their produce stacked in very appetizing fashion and who were we to resist? Sophie picked our blueberries right away and we got some strawberries and avocados, too. I honed in on a roast corn stand, which I never pass up. I usually get my fix at the rodeo in Houston, but this year we're in Dallas the entire time. I'm incredibly sad that we can't go this year! Mutton Bustin'!! Sophie tried all the samples of fruit, and so did Evey. What a fun and relaxing Sunday morning.

"Are these real? I must touch each one!"

"Elote-style" Roast Corn
Food Log:
Session 1: 31g
Session 2: 31g
Session 3: 48g
Session 4: 58g

Liquids Log:
Session 1: 12g
Session 2: 10g
Session 3: 14g
Session 4: 17g

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